

  1. Container - ATOME: Particles database storing information from taxonomies (e.g. reporting scenarios, forms, etc) and reports created by users (i.e. reporting entity, period, and all data). It is divided into 3 technical files:

  • data container - a database containing taxonomies metadata and reports,

  • validation container - database with validation rules that check the correctness of reports,

  • mapping container - database with data points mapping facilitating XBRL import.

2. Context Reference Date - It is a report reference date (e.g. a report containing data for the first quarter of 2019 will typically have a reference date set to 2019-03-31).

3. Data Point List (DPL) - flat Excel format that allows the user to import and export data using only one sheet for data entry in a single report module (aka Report, Instance or File). This format will be particularly useful for users who need to report ‘open’ tables that contain large volumes of rows, columns and or sheets, as it condenses the data to a single sheet.

4. Entity Identifiers - unique, an alphanumeric string of characters, identifying reporting entity; typically it is an LEI number.

5. Entity Scheme - sets up the type of identifier used to identify reporting entity, typically it is http://standards.iso.org/iso/17442; see http://codes.eurofiling.info/  for reference.

6. Filing Indicator - part of XBRL report indicating template that is being reported.

7. Framework - metadata model reflecting information requirements; it contains structures of templates, that can be reported.

8. Reporting Package - a set of versions of reporting obligations indicated in a respective POC and stemming from the reporting regulation officially published by a relevant regulatory authority.

9. Report - Instance of a particular module filled with data.

10. Report Module - Subset of Framework defining reporting obligation. It is built out of templates defined in Framework.

11. Technical Excel - CSV-like output of Report, used mostly for integration purposes (decommissioned)

12. Visual Excel - Human-friendly visualization of Report, that can be filled with data and re-imported into ATOME: Particles.

13. XBRL Report - Taxonomy compliant report in XBRL format, that can be validated in any XBRL validator or submitted into reporting gateway to a regulator.

  1. OIM-XBRL CSV Report - XBRL Report Package containing CSV files according to the XBRL OIM-CSV specifictation and JSON metadata files

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