Validation with the Arelle tool
After choosing: Export to XBRL, the option: Validate using Arelle is activated. The user can select:
No validation - this option is set by default when the user selects export to XBRL. The buttons "Add" and "Remove" are inactive.
Validate User provides Taxonomy packages (one or more) in .zip format. If no packages are provided they will be downloaded from the internet, if available.
Users can include additional EBA/EIOPA Filing Rules.
If the user enables validation by the Arelle tool, additional steps will appear in the export progress window. There also appears an option to View Arelle Results.
To view the results of validations performed by the Arelle tool, the user should select => "View Arelle Results". The results will be displayed in the new window and the user can copy them using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+A (to select all) and Ctrl+C (to copy).
To remove packages the user should select the package, and press "Remove" button.