After a Simplified model is first created, it contains no tables.
User can create a first new empty Table by providing its Name and Code.
Created table is opened (with no content) and indicated in the list of tables in the left hand side navigation pane.
In the first step user shall decide if the information on the requested data type shall be indicated On rows or On columns of the created table (i.e. if the entire row or column will require values of a selected data type: Monetary, Text, Date, etc. Please note that this setting of the placement of data type constraints can be also changed later.
Subsequently, user shall indicate if table has a Fixed or Dynamic structure of Rows and Columns.
Fixed means that the headers of Rows or Columns are known in advance, i.e. set up in the underlying information requirements (so-called closed tables). Dynamic structure enables reporters providing unlimited number of rows or columns (so-called open tables). Typical table whose Columns and Rows are fixes is a balance sheet or other containing aggregated data, while more granular data are typically collected by tables whose rows have dynamic content.
After setting both Rows and Columns as Fixed, the table is created containing one column and one row.
To change the title of a header, click on the highlighted text Add name and start typing.
Depending on the set up for placement of Data type, it can be edited on Columns:
or on Rows:
To add a Column header next to the exiting one, use the + button on the right:
To add a Column header before the exiting one, use the + button on the left:
To add a parent Column header, use the + button in the context menu:
To add a Row header below the exiting one, use the + button on the bottom:
Note that in the following the sibling (i.e. Row header on the same level) of R0120 Current will be created:
While in this case sibling (i.e. Row header on the same level) of R0100 Assets will be created:
To add a Row header above the existing one, use the + button on the top:
To add a child Row header use the + button on the right:
Headers of Rows and Columns can be rearranged with drag and drop.
After dragging a Row Header, it can be dropped above another Row (point to the arrow up), below another Row (point to the arrow down) as a child of another Row (point to the middle arrow).
Similarly for Columns, it is possible to drag a drop a header next to another one (as a sibling on the left or right hand side or as a child).
Codes of Headers and rows are set up automatically upon creation of a header, starting with R0010 for rows and C0010 for columns and increasing by 10.