You can provide comments to nearly any element of the dictionary, tables, and reporting framework in this section. Click the 3 dots next to it and select the Comment. Write a comment or reply to an already existing one. You can start threads with comments and responses to them.
Tag other users in the comments
Typing @username allows you to tag anyone from your organisation in a comment. The tagged user receives a notification via e-mail. If you do not wish to receive such e-mails you can disable this option in the notification center.
Each comment can be assigned a status and priority. The three available statuses are: pending, accepted, and rejected. The three available priorities are: low, medium, and high.
This section displays all comments for the current model version. These comments can be Filtered by author / status / priority / concept. It is also possible to navigate to any comment from here by clicking the Navigate to concept.
Attachments to comments
You can attach files to your comments by clicking the paperclip icon while composing a new comment.
Currently the application supports .png, .jpeg, and .jpg files up to 10Mb in size.
Tags in comments
It is possible to create a set of tags for each organisation that will help to filter and sort out all comments. To do it, user with Admin account should go to Organisation → Manage Organisation and then select tab: Comment tags. To add a tag simply type a word or any set of words and click enter on the keyboard.
After adding tag from this tab it will be possible to add tags from the list to new and existing comments.