

An owner is an entity that defines the content of the data model or is responsible for its maintenance.

To define owners go to the Settings section:


and in Owners tab click Add owner button on the top right corner.


You can define one or more owners.

To use an owner later, the Assignable option must be checked. If this option is not checked, concepts assigned to this owner cannot be edited or deleted and new concepts cannot be created with this owner. The advantage of this feature can be leveraged when you import and extend a model, e.g. EBA or EIOPA and you don’t want the users to mistakenly manipulate the original items that are being extended.

The owner can be set as a default by clicking on the star in the Default column so that there is no need to set it each time in newly created concepts. This significantly speeds up the process of creating a dictionary.


Owner can have one or more Parent Owners. This is important when one institution e.g. National Bank of any EU country decides to extend the dictionary of the EBA: in order to enable adding members to domains of the EBA, the EBA must be indicates as the Parent Owner.

Users are also able to decide if in exported XBRL taxonomy concepts of the Parent Owner shall be referenced using absolute links or relative links.


Technical Owner

Technical owner is a type of owner populated:

  • by default on imports e.g. from model was imported from a database and information about an owner is not present there,

  • when opening a model version for a first time in Matter after this change was introduced (released to production on 10/11/2021).

This owner is not editable and as a result cannot be indicated as assignable (i.e. possible to apply when defining new concepts) so that it is not be misused (users are not able to apply it on any concept).

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