User Management

User Management

Inviting a new user

All users are initially invited by an Admin to an organisation.​ First Admins are invited to ATOME: Matter by ATOME: Matter Support Team after creating an organisation.

During the invitation process, the Admin assigns a role to each User.

There are three user role types:

  • Admin - has access to all models and manages the permissions of all users in the organisation;

  • Data Architect - can create, edit, delete, and version models and all concepts (if such permissions were granted by the Admin);

  • Reviewer - can only review models (if such permission was granted by the Admin).

To invite a user take the following steps:

STEP 1 - Log in to the ATOME: Matter and view the Dashboard.

STEP 2 - Click the 3 dots next to your Organisation and select Manage Organisation.

STEP 3 - Go to the Invited users' tab and click the plus.


Enter the email addresses of the users here one by one. This is where you also define the invited user’s role and the User Group (check the User Groups page for more information).

Once an invitation has been sent, users will appear on the list. All invitations are valid for 48 hours, after which time they can be resent by clicking the 3 dots next to them and selecting the Resend invitation. Invitations can also be cancelled once sent.


Now when the users have accepted the invites see the Permission Management article to learn how to assign permissions and enable the invited users to access the models and the concepts inside models.

Managing existing users

You can see existing users that have accepted their invitations in the “Users” tab of the “Manage Organisation” dialog.

Each user is represented by a card that shows this user’s Name, Email, Role, User Groups (if they are in any) and if user is external to your organisation.

Note: external users do not count towards the role limits for the organisation as the license count includes only the users that are internal to your organisation

Click on the button opens a menu that allows you to delete the user or edit their information.

Edit menu

Edit dialog allows you to modify the First and Last Name of the user and their user role (email cannot be modified).

Edit user dialog window

You can also see the User Groups the user is in in this dialog window, but to add or remove users from User Groups you need to navigate to the “User Groups” tab of the “Manage Organisation” dialog.

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