

DPM 2.0 introduced a concept of a Release which shall help in historisation of definitions of dictionary terms and simplify versioning of frameworks and framework versions.

Releases can be defined and edited in Releases tab under Settings section:


Selecting a star in Default column indicates that a Release is a default one and will be applied to all newly defined concepts (that refer to a release) unless changed by a user.


Release can be applied on:

  • Dimensions,

  • Metrics (in particular enumerated metrics),

  • Hierarchies,

  • Framework version.

Release constitutes part of the business key of a concept, which means that there can be two or more concepts (e.g. Metrics) for one owner with the same code but defined for different release. Therefore, Release is part of the data point signature in any table cell:


Dictionary content can be filtered for concepts from a given release:



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