SSO Configuration

SSO Configuration

Note: this tab is only available if you have SSO as part of your ATOME: Matter SLA with BR-AG

The SSO Configuration tab allows you to configure Single Sign On for your users with the Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

The tab consists of the following components:

  • Authentication method switches:

    • Login/Password - controls if the users in this organisation have the option to login with the password (requires each user to set a password)

    • Microsoft Azure Active Directory - controls if the users are able to log in with Microsoft Azure AD (needs configuration)

  • Change Configuration button - unlocks the Azure Active Directory configuration fields

  • Redirect URL” and “Service Provider entity ID” provide values you, as administrator, will need to configure redirect in your Azure space

  • And three editable fields you need to fill in with the information you can find in your Azure space configuration:

    • Identity Provider entity ID - The Entity ID used to validate the Issuer for received SAML assertions

    • Single Sign-On service URL - The Url that must be used to send authentication requests (SAML AuthnRequest)

    • Validating X509 certificates - The certificate in PEM format that must be used to check for signatures

After the configuration is completed, click “Save Configuration” for it to take effect and log out to see the changes on the main screen.