User Groups

User Groups

The concept of User Groups is made to enable administrator users to aggregate ATOME: Matter users into sets of people that should share the same access permissions to the models and underlying objects within the organisation and enable easy and transparent access control management.

User group management

The User Group management is available in the “User Groups” tab inside the “Users” popup accessible through the organisation’s menu.

Create a new User Group

In order to create a new user group simply click the add button on the User Groups tab in the Users pop-up window.

You need to provide User Group name and Role and click OK, and the Group is ready to use.

The role selected for the user group has the same meaning as the users' roles defining what kind of operations the users in this group will be allowed to perform.

User Groups administration

The User Groups screen allows you to manage which users are added to a group, edit the group name and delete it if needed.

In order to add users to the user group, just start typing the user name in the “Add User” field and select the user from the dropdown.

To remove a user from the user group just click the “x” button next to the user name.

Please note: all the users in the user group must have the same role as the role assigned to this group.

Users can participate in multiple user groups at the same time, so you can add the same user to different user groups.


Assigning permissions to the User Groups

User Groups can be added to any object in the system that has permissions management the same way as the regular users: just open the permissions dialog and search for the user group you want to add in the “User or User Group” field.

Once the User Group is added to the object’s permissions list all the users in this user group will get the same permissions to this object as defined for the user group.

Please note: you can add individual users that are part of the user group as well. In this case the user’s permissions will be calculated as a sum of the permissions granted through the user group and individually. (in the example screenshot above John Smith is part of the DPM Experts user group, but also added individually, so he is getting the XLS and DB Import permissions as well as the ones defined for the user group).

Defining User Groups for new users

You can also set the user group for any new user you are inviting to the system, eliminating the overhead of manual permissions administration and enabling the users to start working with the model moment they accept the invitation.

To add user to the user group automatically upon accepting the invite, just select the user group in the “User Group” drop down field during the invitation process.

User management

You can also see if a user belongs to any user groups on the user’s card in the Members screen as well as in the Invitations screen:

If user belongs to multiple user groups you will see the number of user groups on the card and the list of groups can be shown on mouse hover

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