Autoregenerate (and expert mode) functionality

Autoregenerate (and expert mode) functionality

Autoregenerate functionality enables you to automatically generate some of the key attributes of Business Rules automatically.

You can find the Autoregenerate button on top of the page that lists the Business Rules in the selected framework version:

Position of the button on the screen
Options available

There are several options available in the button’s dropdown menu:

  • Fallbacks - This option will set the Fallback value for all the variables in all the Business Rules where possible.

  • Labels - This function is similar to the “Generate” button for Short Labels in the Edit Business Rule screen and it generates the short label for all the Business Rules.

  • Error Messages - This function is similar to the “Generate” button for Error Messages in the Edit Business Rule screen and it generates an Error Message for all the Business Rules.

  • Error Messages and Labels - This button is a combined function of the previous two and it will generate both Labels and Error Messages for all the Business Rules

Please note that “Autoregenerate” function does NOT create new Labels or Error Messages but updates the existing ones.

You can also switch to “Select Multiple” mode using the button next to the “Autoregenerate button” and select the rules you want to generate aspects for instead of running this task for all rules in the framework version:

Selecting rules to generate labels and error messages for

Expert mode

“Expert mode” is an attribute in the Business Rules that enables you to exclude the rule from the process of automatic generation of Labels, Error Messages or setting Fallbacks automatically. You can see this attribute on the Edit Rule page - once ticked ON it marks this rule to be ignored by the “Autoregenerate” function.

The rule in this example is marked as being in “Expert” mode

Tracking status of “Autoregenerate” task

Generating Labels or Error Messages, or setting Fallbacks on large amount of rules might take several minutes on large models.

Confirmation dialog

Once you start the process, you can track its status on the Tasks page:

The task is now complete


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