DPM XBRL Taxonomy Package

DPM XBRL Taxonomy Package

For exporting models to the DPM XBRL taxonomy format (according to https://eurofiling.info/portal/eurofiling-taxonomy-architecture/, applied among others by the EBA and EIOPA), users can set up certain properties of the XBRL taxonomy files, in particular the XBRL Taxonomy Package content.

This is done primarily in properties of the Owners , where the root of the official location and the target namespace (to be used as a base in all XBRL schema files of this Owner) are defined:


This is also where users can identify Parent Owner (i.e. Owner whose DPM model concepts such as Domains will be reused and extended).

It is also possible, using “Addressing of concepts defined for this Owner in XBRL hrefs” drop-down, to indicate the approach of referring to the dictionary concepts of this Owner in the XBRL taxonomy files (e.g. via hrefs). The options are:

  • default (no value selected) - within folders and files of this Owner, its concepts are referred to using relative (local) paths, while all other Owners, when referring to these concepts, use absolute paths (i.e. starting from http://),

  • Always relative - concepts of this Owner are always referred using relative paths (also from all other Owners),

  • Always absolute - concepts of this Owner are always referred using absolute paths (also withing folder and files of this Owner).

It is important that the settings enabling mapping between the relative and absolute path are also reflected in the Rewrite URIs section in the Model version - XBRL Taxonomy Packages output:


Other properties that can be defined in the “XBRL Taxonomy Packages output” tab of a Model version follow the fields of the https://www.xbrl.org/Specification/taxonomy-package/REC-2016-04-19/taxonomy-package-REC-2016-04-19.html specification.

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